Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Life Changes

Life seems to change a lot faster when you get to college...does that sound too cliche? Sometimes people go in and out or relationships like they are nascar drivers. Sometimes people make new friends and lose old ones. Sometimes people pick up bad habits and discard the good ones. Things just dont seem to stay the same for long.
This is true of my life as well. Personally for me, I've had a lot of important people leave my life in the last year or so (leave as in "distance themselves", not leave as in die..). Its kind of discouraging when you realize everyone you once looked to for guidance is gone, but no need for a Rachel pity party, cause thats where God comes in. Lately, he has been pounding it in my head that he is the only one I need and he is the only one I should run to. My roommates, my parents, and my friends have lives of their own and can't always be there to fix me.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yes, may I speak to Mayor Diane Head please?

I realized today that I have spent more time in the library in the last month than I have my last two years at Clemson. For serious.
As I sit here on the second floor of the library (which is so quiet you can hear every sniffle, cough and tummy growl of fellow students) looking through the Foundation Directory of Grants I can only think of what Aly would say, "Its time to put on your big girl pants". And thats exactly what I'm having to do. There are so many requirements and limitations to grants its ridiculous, just to let you know. Examples: Are you a nonprofit organization? Are you affliated with a religious group? Are you in Charleston or Jasper county? Do you file 501 (c) forms ( what the crap does that mean???) I just write down names of possible grant foundations and give them to my financial subcommittee to deal with.
Today I also called the Mayor of Salem to speak with her about tax forms and financial aid. I put on my professional voice and pretended to know what I was talking about. Then I realized that the Mayor of Salem doesn't know much more than I do. At least we are on the same playing field. This is my life.

Oh AND I should be studying for a Middle Eastern map quiz I have in my next class, but seeing as how I am good with visual learning/memorizing I feel like it should be a breeze. No real concepts, just memorization. That is one thing I can do well.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

i aint a teenager no more

I've been in school almost a month and football has finally started. I've already met so many new people and had some great adventures. My junior year has gotten off to a great start-the Lord has been so good to me! I also just celebrated my 20th birthday on Saturday, our first home game. The Tigers ended up beating the bulldogs so it was definitely an awesome birthday!!! I'm having such a wonderful time, but I'm also a tad homesick. Im ready to drive over the Edisto bridge and see the marsh, the creek, my dog and my home. Mom- that is a good sign..it means I'll probably be home soon!

Monday, August 18, 2008

classes start when?!!?!

I am back at Clemson and classes start in 3 days. I'm not quite ready to start studying and working and what not. I'd rather just play with my friends and live in Clemson. This will be a very different year for me and I must confess I'm unusually scared and nervous. (not something I'm proud of)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fourth of July has come and gone

The summer is flying by. As I sit here in my room and listen to another summer thunderstorm I've realized that summer is already halfway over! The fourth of July was here before I knew it. We had lots of family visit for the holiday weekend, and it was awesome to see everyone. We had 12 adults, 1 child, 3 babies, and 9 dogs! Sadly, my fourth of July wasn't spent out on a beach or in a boat ...I was unfortunately stuck at work. The whole weekend wasn't ruined though because I had Saturday off and I packed it full of fun. I was on the beach by 10 am with tons of cousins, aunts, uncles and babies. After that I headed to the boat with Dad to go and catch a couple of fish before we headed inside to eat and play Scattergories with everyone. All in all it was a great holiday to celebrate with a great family.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

One day at a time

That has been my motto for the summer. And thats the only way I can deal with..it all. I wish there was a simple fix, but unfortunately theres not. I know I made the right choice, but that doesn't make me feel any better about losing my best friend. I have moments where I'd really like to break down, but I tell myself that won't help anything. I usually just try to not think about it, and distract myself with day to day activities.
No matter what I do though, I know all of these feelings are going to catch up with me sooner or later. God Bless whomever's soul that is around to watch me deal with all of those feelings.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Target Practice at the Plantation

One of our neighbor's invited a group to come shoot sporting clays one afternoon. Little did I know that I'd be spending the day at a Civil War plantation with old Yankee writings still visible on the walls. When we arrived, we walked in to the beautiful house and heard classical music playing in the distance. I felt out of place, but heck I wasn't passing this chance up. I was in the presence of the wealthy and social elite! I met some very nice people who happened to be competitive shooters...or professinal gunmen...whatever they're called. I spent the day getting private shooting lessons and I actually did pretty well. I can confidentally use a 20 gage Beretta shotgun. Ex-boyfriends beware.

Friday, May 30, 2008

a great white...whale?

Favorite surf shop comments heard so far this summer:

Customer: Oooo! Is this one of those great white Whale teeth?
Me: No. But it IS a shark's tooth.

Little Boy: (shouting) Daddy! I don't have any underwear on right now.
Father: Well thanks for pointing that out so the nice sales lady could hear you.

Customer: Is there a movie theater anywhere on the island?
Me: No M'am
Cutsomer: Well is there like a McDonalds or anything?
Me: O No M'am
Customer: You're kidding me! I can't believe this place!
Me: Do you know where you are?? This is Edisto

Sunday, May 18, 2008

This should be interesting

So I've started work at the surf shop and soon Aly will be moving back home while she decides her next career move. The whole family will be living under one roof again, probably for the last time ever. To say the least...this should be interesting. Even though Im sure there will be fights over the bathroom between Aly and I, and arguements over meals between Aly and Mom, I think its gonna be nice to have us all together again. And besides, living on Edisto with no one my age, it can't hurt to have good ol' Aly around to entertain me.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

This time is just a season

Lift your eyes girl, I know you’re broken. This time is just a season, You deserve much more. Lift up your head, Look out the window, ‘Cause it’s almost over now, Take back the time that your fear has stolen. ‘Cause it’s almost over now.

I agree

Friday, May 2, 2008

Wait, I have to jump down how far?

Im learning that sometimes decisions aren't easy and sometimes you have to just do whats best for you in the long run, even though it may hurt right now. God has pulled me through once again and given me a hope that everything will be ok.

On a lighter note.....
I recently got the chance to explore the underground Clemson tunnels. Its something that every student should do before they graduate. It was fun until I realized that lowering yourself into a manhole is way easier if you are tall. My short legs could not reach the ladder, and therefore had to be lowered in and then hoisted back out by arms like a yo-yo.
The only plus= I didn't have to hunch over while walking through the tunnels like everyone else.

Friday, April 25, 2008


I hate big decisions. I'm not good at making them at all. I tend to over think and analyze every possible outcome. I'm scared of making the wrong choice and that fear has consumed my thoughts since December. I pray in desperation for some guidance but I haven't quite found any yet.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Finals are coming. But....my roomate Lauren and I have discovered how to change the layout of our blogs, so we've decided that studying can wait. This is WAY more fun.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The end of sophomore year

With finals creeping up, my roomates and I are starting to face the fact that college is almost halfway over. That is exciting and scary at the same time. The next two weeks of school will be hectic and filled with last minute projects and papers....luckily for me Im a travel and tourism major, so it can't get all that hectic. Can't wait to finally drive home and go over the bridge to the island. The place I have learned to love and hate all at the same time.