Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yes, may I speak to Mayor Diane Head please?

I realized today that I have spent more time in the library in the last month than I have my last two years at Clemson. For serious.
As I sit here on the second floor of the library (which is so quiet you can hear every sniffle, cough and tummy growl of fellow students) looking through the Foundation Directory of Grants I can only think of what Aly would say, "Its time to put on your big girl pants". And thats exactly what I'm having to do. There are so many requirements and limitations to grants its ridiculous, just to let you know. Examples: Are you a nonprofit organization? Are you affliated with a religious group? Are you in Charleston or Jasper county? Do you file 501 (c) forms ( what the crap does that mean???) I just write down names of possible grant foundations and give them to my financial subcommittee to deal with.
Today I also called the Mayor of Salem to speak with her about tax forms and financial aid. I put on my professional voice and pretended to know what I was talking about. Then I realized that the Mayor of Salem doesn't know much more than I do. At least we are on the same playing field. This is my life.

Oh AND I should be studying for a Middle Eastern map quiz I have in my next class, but seeing as how I am good with visual learning/memorizing I feel like it should be a breeze. No real concepts, just memorization. That is one thing I can do well.

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