Thursday, June 19, 2008

One day at a time

That has been my motto for the summer. And thats the only way I can deal all. I wish there was a simple fix, but unfortunately theres not. I know I made the right choice, but that doesn't make me feel any better about losing my best friend. I have moments where I'd really like to break down, but I tell myself that won't help anything. I usually just try to not think about it, and distract myself with day to day activities.
No matter what I do though, I know all of these feelings are going to catch up with me sooner or later. God Bless whomever's soul that is around to watch me deal with all of those feelings.

1 comment:

Joshua Grimm said...

Sounds like you've been through a lot, Rach. Some quotes I've posted over at my blog recently may be of some encouragement to you (some of them from Elisabeth Elliot's Passion and Purity: here, here, and here.

On dealing with emotions and trusting God with them, a really good book I found is called When People are Big and God is Small.

You'll be in my prayers. peace!