Friday, May 30, 2008

a great white...whale?

Favorite surf shop comments heard so far this summer:

Customer: Oooo! Is this one of those great white Whale teeth?
Me: No. But it IS a shark's tooth.

Little Boy: (shouting) Daddy! I don't have any underwear on right now.
Father: Well thanks for pointing that out so the nice sales lady could hear you.

Customer: Is there a movie theater anywhere on the island?
Me: No M'am
Cutsomer: Well is there like a McDonalds or anything?
Me: O No M'am
Customer: You're kidding me! I can't believe this place!
Me: Do you know where you are?? This is Edisto

Sunday, May 18, 2008

This should be interesting

So I've started work at the surf shop and soon Aly will be moving back home while she decides her next career move. The whole family will be living under one roof again, probably for the last time ever. To say the least...this should be interesting. Even though Im sure there will be fights over the bathroom between Aly and I, and arguements over meals between Aly and Mom, I think its gonna be nice to have us all together again. And besides, living on Edisto with no one my age, it can't hurt to have good ol' Aly around to entertain me.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

This time is just a season

Lift your eyes girl, I know you’re broken. This time is just a season, You deserve much more. Lift up your head, Look out the window, ‘Cause it’s almost over now, Take back the time that your fear has stolen. ‘Cause it’s almost over now.

I agree

Friday, May 2, 2008

Wait, I have to jump down how far?

Im learning that sometimes decisions aren't easy and sometimes you have to just do whats best for you in the long run, even though it may hurt right now. God has pulled me through once again and given me a hope that everything will be ok.

On a lighter note.....
I recently got the chance to explore the underground Clemson tunnels. Its something that every student should do before they graduate. It was fun until I realized that lowering yourself into a manhole is way easier if you are tall. My short legs could not reach the ladder, and therefore had to be lowered in and then hoisted back out by arms like a yo-yo.
The only plus= I didn't have to hunch over while walking through the tunnels like everyone else.